FusionInventory agent 2.1 aka Windows support - call for tester

The 23 May 2010
The agent 2.1 is almost ready ! This major release features Windows support, improved HP-UX support and all lot of fixes and improvement (sse changelog link below). We would be glade if you can report problem on the [bugtracker](http://forge.fusioninventory.org/projects/fusioninventory-agent/issues/new) before the final release. How to get the 2.1.x branch: * [Zip](http://github.com/fusinv/fusioninventory-agent/zipball/2.1.x) * [Tar.Gz](http://github.com/fusinv/fusioninventory-agent/tarball/2.1.x) * With Git:
git clone https://github.com/fusinv/fusioninventory-agent.git cd fusioninventory-agent git checkout 2.1.x
</li>* [Windows Installer](http://forge.fusioninventory.org/projects/fusioninventory-packaging-win-agent/files) Installation on Windows If you don't want to use the installer on Windows, you may be interested by this [wiki page](http://forge.fusioninventory.org/projects/fusioninventory-agent/wiki/RunAgentWin32) . Announce & changelog on the forge : [http://forge.fusioninventory.org/news/6](http://forge.fusioninventory.org/news/6)

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