A large part of the FusionInventory team was present at Libre Software Meeting 2010 in Bordeaux this week. We had a talk just after the talk of GLPI project, and could present to a large audience, for the first time in France, the result of all the work that has been done in the last months.
We now provide an unique agent running on multiple OSes like Windows, MacOS X, Linux, *BSD, HP-UX. This agent is modular and already can perform serveral tasks like local inventory of computers, network inventory with SNMP, network discovery, remote wake up of computers, remote wake up of the agent, deployment of packages using OCSNG methods. And as the FusionInventory agent is modular, everybody can add his own task. On the server side, a generic library is also on the way to communicate with the agents. This library will be the core of an integration into GLPI.
The first public talk in France was the occasion of releasing new stuff. A Release Canditate of the agent was released some days ago, it was not enough. We made the new logo of the project official. Big up to Mamadi Kaba from stampdc.com who created it and worked amazingly fast. The first FusionInventory T-shirts were ready too, and proudly weared by the members of the team and some lucky contributors. We plan to release soon a second edition of this T-shirts, stay tuned !
This was an extremely rich week of meetings and discussions for everyone. We had all a lot of pleasure to meet our users, our future users, contributors, projects with same engagement like the guys of monitoring-fr.org, Shinken and GLPI project. And we’re glad we heard people mentionning our project during their talks about GLPI, Mondo Rescue, Pulse2, GOsa², OPSI, WPKG … It gives new perspectives for the future of deployment, backup, disaster recovery and monitoring tasks in FusionInventory.
Now everyone is back to work, and there is a lot to do …
We plan to participate to other meetings during this year. See you in Zurich with GLPI at Froscamp (september), in Lyon at JDLL (october), in Sofia Antipolis at JM2L (november) …