It’s a pleasure to announce the release of plugin FusionInventory for GLPI in version 0.90+1.2.
The features:
- Add mass action in ipranges list to add them in a job of task
- Show the Netpoints (network outlet) in port view of network equipments form
- Add page to delete unused files for deploy
- Show network outlet in FusionInventory view
The fixes:
- Fix report ports_date_connections
- Do not import a dropdown value if it is locked bug (computer + discovery + network inventory/SNMP)
- Don’t show deploymirror form with innexistant id
- Remove unused automatic task ‘updatedynamictasks’
- Wrong IP address displayed in a connecte device in port tab in networkequipment form
- Add IP (and all network port criteria) criteria in dynamic group
- SQL Error on package deploy form
- Fix SNMP v3 privprotocol
- Fix display the column “FusInv - SNMP authentication” in glpi/front/printer.php
- Fix sort / order / paging in elements of fusioninventory dynamic groups
- Fix SQL error on add some unmanaged devices (discovery)
- Fix relocated ipranges, deploy mirrors, tasks… in level-1 of entity when delete entity
- Peripherals are now linked to the computer
- Some modification of default import rules
You can download the version 0.90+1.2
Don’t forget to read the documentation for install / update the plugin