It’s a pleasure to announce the release of plugin FusionInventory for GLPI in version 9.3+1.2.
This version is a bugfix version (with some little features).
- add last_boot field in computer with the date of the last boot got by the agent
- switch the default MySQL engine to InnoDB
- fix and enhance tests
- fix deprecated functions calls (warning in GLPI logs)
- refactor(setup): use constants for GLPI min and max version
- import missing antivirus fields
- check date_expiration of antivirus is well-formatted as date
- fix antivirus expiration date day and month ordering
- fix computer search
- upgrade lazyjs lib
- add COMMENTS support to softwares inventory
- fix glpi right to import xml
- prevent duplicate compatibility message
- fix sql query in timeslot
- fix comptability with plugin fields
- add tests for PHP 7.3
- add ‘start job now’ support on deploy audit check failure
- fix the repeated display of the switch name
Download & install
You can download the version here: 9.3+1.2
Don’t forget to read the documentation for install / update the plugin
Important information: this version is for GLPI 9.3 (and fixes versions like 9.3.1, 9.3.2 … so 9.3.x).
recommended if you have 9.3.2 or newer.